Lump primary crusher

precrushing of agglomerates and lumps

The robust KVB series primary lump crushers are suited to the coarse grinding of agglomerates and lumps which are hard and brittle.

Should the product still be too coarse after the primary crusher, we recommend using our MKB lump crusher to grind the coarse goods to the desired final grain size. Thanks to its modular construction the two lump crushers can be built on in a downstream and space-saving manner.

Lump primary crusher

Lump primary crusher
Basic design

  • Standard sizes: 400 x 400 mm to 800 x 600 mm
  • Capacity up to 30m²/h, other capacities on request
  • Very stable construction with low dead space
  • Large lateral openings for cleaning and inspection
  • Shaft sealing by radial shaft sealing rings or packing glands
  • Load transmission by means of coupling or directly with shaft-mounted gear motor
  • Various crusher fittings for final grain sizes  larger than 15 mm
Lump primary crusher


Up until the comb bar the coarse product is crushed by rotating beaters and discharged downward through the comb openings.

Areas of use

In principle all brittle, hard or frozen products can be milled up to a grain size of >15 mm.

Lump primary crusher
Lump primary crusher


  • Easy to clean
  • Low maintenance effort
  • Adaptable for different products and grain sizes with changeable crusher fittings


  • Single or dual shaft design
  • Material: stainless steel 1.4301, 1.4571 or steel
  • Crushing tools made of wear resistant steel
  • Surface design: glass bead blasted
  • Chassis, control unit, inlet and outlet funnel, adapter pieces (round to square)
Lump primary crusher

Examples from our production

How to contact us

Phone +49 4121-7957-0

Fax +49 4121-7957-79


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Tags: Lump primary crusherLump shredderPrimary crusherProduct crushingShredder
